Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hump Day Frump Day

Since it has been a few days I will catch all 5 readers up to date...
Monday I discussed cupcake permits with a vendor and now we have a rad date to park her truck in our parking lot. I am excited to see the inside of said kitchen truck, because someone has a fascination with being a truck driver... Or mostly just loves the idea of small spaces being used for unorthodox things (i.e. cooking, sleeping, camping, etc.) I am pretty sure I also watched Addam's Family andddd Fried Green Tomatoes. I have decided that if everyone in Portland is going to have a "queer" name aka a non-gendered name that mine will be Idgy. Also, that movie is racial. Addam's Family is not fit for children. I will not have children. Speaking of children, I have embarked on a new sweatshirt project. This one is themed: whatever I want. This includes: old timey pictures of ladies, a Lemur/raccoon button (even though there is no need for a button), a weird photo wheel thing, and some random items like monuments, coffee cups, and Airstream trailers. All outlined in glitter. Duh.

Tuesday was Gingie's day in the capitol. It was filled with jest and fun with my beloved mentor/boss, filing, and scanning. I experienced the office workplace slump at about 3pm and resorted to cookies and a Diet Pepsi from the Capital Cafe. It was sick. I managed to squeeze in a run and then went to watch Lost in Translation, which ended up being hold a sick corgi and drink Apricot Ale night. Dinner of champions: Beer, Emergen-C, and a banana. Go rexi or go home.

Today I felt burnt out by about 8:15am. This is unacceptable for someone such as myself. I tried to remedy this by eating a PB & J for breakfast. It failed. I also tried flirting with everyone I came in contact with before 8:30am just to see if making people smile would help... Also failed and resulted in potential new stalkers and making me feel uncomfortable. Mind you two of them were gas station attendants and the others worked at a Starbucks in Beaverton. I blame myself.

After job #1 it was off to Salem to have lunch with Oregon's Secretary of State, Kate Brown, and attend a legislative meeting for 2012. Kate = awesome. Looks like a certain gingie will be keeping doors open for the possibility of law school or MBA/MPA in the future. Pretty sure I need business cards like yesterday. .. I need fun, unboring, and appropriate ideas for this project.

For the rest of the evening I will do emails, laundry, and be in bed by 9:45. I rule. Days like these make me want to cry like a sissy baby for no reason. They also make that McDonald's sign that says "20 nuggets for $4.99" look almost imperative to my survival. Every now and then my days are so mentally long that the only thing I want is something horribly self-destructive. I kept driving and just bit my nails instead. Sick.. But my immune system is better than everyone else's!

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