I am practicing buying in bulk. I knew it was a bad idea, but I just felt as though buying yogurt in a larger container vs. the smaller ones was not only cheaper but more environmentally friendly. Great. Pat on the back... Then I ate the yogurt. It was plain. Bad choice. It is tangy and not a friendly companion to my bought-in-bulk granola. What's a girl to do? It's problematic because I hate things that are vanilla anything (candles, lotions, shampoo, perfumes, air fresheners, chap-stick) and it just seems like all big containers of yogurt only exist in plain and vanilla. I am seriously considering writing to the makers of all hippie granola and telling them to step out of the box for a moment. It's ok to branch out and make a blue raspberry or lime every now and again.
Moving on. Yesterday was a big day for me, so naturally it only made sense to make it a themed sweatshirt day... I had recently made an impulse buy at a vintage store that included old post cards and a white, short torso, 80's yacht-ish sailboat sweatshirt made by none other than Avon. Yes, that is the same Avon that your mom used to buy from people at the door and then proceeded to lather you down with Skin So Soft oil. Or at least that is how we most certainly rolled in the south (aka mid west or east if you are an ignorant west coaster that has never seen Arkansas on a map). I felt as though I was really proving to myself that I am no longer an OCD clean freak because I wore that sweatshirt without washing it first and it smelled like old man and faded bleach... It grew on me throughout the day to be honest. I wish J-Lo would use that as a template for her next line of fragrances.
Now, this sweatshirt did good things for me. I met a lovely lady that is going to help me with my farmer's market, but it was much like a blind date when we met up for coffee. (we had been emailing back and forth prior to said meet up) As I was waiting I realized that my gingie presence and sailboat shirt accompanied with skinny jeans and gray Keds was quite possibly the least likely farmy outfit I could wear. Naturally I texted her and gave her the FYI that she should be looking for a gingie and then I made a mental note to go promptly to the Carhart store for new themed outfits.
In other news Market Q has hit the gay press... That is right. Gay. Press. Now I may spread my queer lettuce and LGBT apples across Portland. If we were in Arkansas right now the front page would read "Gingie poisons Local with Gay Produce" or "Farmer's Markets... The New Gay Agenda" -
The weather here is slowly improving and by that I mean it is still gray, but the rain is more of a mist, it's warmer, and the sun actually comes out for extended periods of time. Yesterday we had one of those afternoons and most people in Portland quit their jobs, found a baby or dog to walk, and hit any random neighborhood to just walk around. Bikers were in full force... In their skinny pants and gauged ears. Everyone was jolly and happy. Spring is kind of rad. I was at blind date meeting so I forced her to not only sit outside but to sit directly in the sun where the fair gingie received her first sunburn of the season. Bring it Vitamin D. I want you all over me.
Last but not least I went to happy hour with a new friend who was breaking down the Portland lesbian scene. It is tragic and I will reserve telling the tale for a day when I actually can provide adequate examples and maybe a few photos to prove my point. Let's just say for now that I will remain single. Following HH I met up with some folks to go to Homomentum (a queer, burlesque, drag show, song and dance shit show). All of the usuals were there... You had the goths (too tortured to participate or laugh but secretly desperate for friends) hipsters (too queer for their own good and in need of a good shower) the clique lesbians (4-8 women that are there to congregate only in their own group and that practically sit on each other) misfits (you know those kinds) and drag queens/kings floating around. It was mildly entertaining, however it was a reminder of how sometimes I could better serve my time doing laundry or stenciling goats onto various items I own.
Now it is time for a bike ride or a run. I wish everyone a delightful Saturday.
Oh Ali... How you make my boring hours at work pass by. I thank thee for your random thoughts and experiences. Maybe I shall start a blog too and we can stalk each other in now 6 different ways.... FB, G chat, online calenders, phone calls, text, email, oh now look... Blogging makes it 7. How lucky are we???