Thursday, March 8, 2012

Year to Date

While reading the latest headlines on the Brookings Institute site I realized that it is International Women's Day. This day, one year ago, I was rushing around like a crazy person meeting vendors, city partners, planning my business plan for the Q Center Farmer's Market, and prepping for an evening of IWD events that we were hosting at the center. I met someone for lunch at a thai place downtown to compare market notes and decided that I would get a run in before heading back up the hill to shower... On my run I began to suffer from what I later realized was a severe allergic reaction to something in my Pad Thai. My face was swollen and I was pounding Benadryl like it was my job. I never once feared for my safety, but instead was stressing beyond belief that I would be unable to help that evening at the event, now only hours away. As soon as my face began to look slightly less like a puffer fish I got my tranquilized ass to North Mississippi Avenue for an under attended and over staffed celebration of women. The speakers were inspiring and moving and the audience was entertaining.

That night I also met one of my first real "friends" in Portland and was introduced to the idea of a queer dance party (see earlier posts).

What a bizarre year. I went from being one of what seemed like a million gays in my sector to being one of three. The funny thing is that I feel like I spent my whole first year scrambling. I had 3 jobs before March. I was running around like mad soaking up all that was Portland from event planning and working to learning zoning codes involved with farmer's markets, to training for a marathon. I was even told to slow down by many. I didn't run myself ragged, in fact in many ways I improved as a person, however now I am in a down to the minute routine and I am unraveling for the first time.

I feel like Chris in Northern Exposure. I am not so much suffering from too many feelings per se or even deeply longing for anything in particular, I am just in a perpetual state of ridiculous reflection over where I am, have been, and where I want to go. It will be interesting to see how this year pans out.

Please note that access to sun is something I will never take for granted again. Ever. Florida with it's terrible politics and failing educational system could lure me with its sandy beaches. I love Jimmy Buffet and floral printed shirts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Oh, what a circus

Yes, for those of you wondering... That is an Evita reference. I may or may have not spent a significant portion of Saturday night watching clips from one of my favorite films of all time. At the ripe age of 25, I am finding myself being pulled more and more to my roots. I don't mean that in the HBO series type of way, but more so that I want to go to Argentina and see the places that my grandmother had tea, visit the Casa Rosada where my grandfather worked, and see the BA that is so deeply ingrained in my family’s culture. Naturally, as gas prices soar with the world and more importantly our nation realizing that we are not living a sustainable lifestyle I am frightened to think that I may not be able to fly home soon... Let alone fly to Argentina. Furthermore, I struggle to think that once I go I will not want to return to this life.

As I explore my life goals and attempt to walk down a few different career paths, I am really trying to see what it is that I am passionate about at the end of each road. That is hard when your life work involves being constantly reminded that things are getting worse, people know so little, and one problem has no simple solution. Instead, as I bury myself deeper in current events and understand more and more about the issues at hand I realize how impossible resolution is. Changing the world has such a nice ring to it, but it takes a patient, strong, and persevering soul to stand the day-to-day. While patience has never been a strong point, I would like to think I have those qualities. At the end of the day, those who know me the most that in reality I am motivated by the sheer delight that pantsuits bring to my life. Oddly enough, now that I wear them everyday I find myself resorting to what I like to call “my Saturday outfit” pretty much every time that I do not have to be seen. Patagonia running tights, Capilene, Pack Rat Power Stretch, beanie, and running shoes. I know this seems college student esque, but I live in Portland. I am practically the coolest thing since Portlandia in that get up. It also seriously cuts back on changing time. Efficiency is key when you are on the verge of extinction.

Turns out this year we will have a spring in the great Northwest. I am skeptical. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Arkansas is living it up in the lap of luxury with its beautiful weather. I hope you all get the plague.

I figured after starting this with every intention of keeping my 5 followers up to date on Ali events a good 8 months was probably enough time to keep you on the edge of your seats. I am still a card carrying member of the LGBTQLMNOP community, I am not president, but I do work for probably the coolest Governor in the US. I am still running a lot (both in the physical and emotional sense), I still miss my crew back home deeply, yet I feel like for many reasons I will not be going home for quite some time (unless partaking in secret underground railroad trips). I still want a puppy, but I have taken a new appreciation for population control and no longer enjoy babies. I think that is it for now.