It has come to my attention that this is the longest I have gone away from home ever... I have never really felt a strong connection with "home," but I also have never left, so this is an interesting feeling. I feel as though this is what makes me a big kid... Not the multiple yobs, the financial independence that I have had for years, or even the most recent token of big kidness, the purchace of my very own IPad, but the physical distance between me and the town I grew up in with grass stained jeans and first generation windbreakers... While everyone in Arkansas knew bits and pieces of my cliche teen drama childhood, no one here does. It is bittersweet, yet for years I always wished I could escape it. Anyway... moving on from feelings time....
This mornings special time brought to you in part by a woman I passed at an intersection this morning that had the same permed hair and big rimmed glasses that my mom enjoyed in the late 80's... For a split second I wanted to follow her and then quickly realized that was illegal.
In other news, Market Q is on the way... I am two weeks in and getting more interest, more publicity, and finally some fucking credit (some- not much). For once in 24 years I can finally say that I am proud of something I have created. This market is proving to be not just a community service, but a community builder and connector as well. Not only that, but mama gets to work on her epic farmer's tan for the next 15 Saturday's. Jealz much?
For those of you that know that I am married to work even though I am unallowed to marry my many girlfriends, you will be happy to know that I have cut back to 4 yobs, instead of 5... Salem is treating my pantsuits and I well, and there is a chance I will be making the trip more often if my position as a staffer is approved. Market Q is ongoing, running smoothly but growing by the week. Nelson aka HJ's business is improving and he has asked me to manage his life more often, and the event positions are starting to pick up as well. All of these things severly cut into my partying time and crafting projects, but I am willing to make sacrifices.
Other than that I don't know if I have any really witty stories that I can pull out right at the moment... I still run and obsess over cute families I pass by in my neighborhood. The lesbians in NE Portland are still the biggest freak shows on Earth. I still get homicidal when people pull their passive aggressive antics on me. I still frequently see older women's naked vagines at the gym I go to. I finally cleaned my car since moving here and a bird had IBS on the entire passenger side. I finally got to go hiking in the Gorge and I will now be going every weekend. Biking is back in my life and I am getting used to the Beef Gravy brown color. People here still don't know how to cut gingie hair without making me look like a dude for a few days until it grows out. Sunshine is here!
That is all for now. I would advise everyone going to buy the Fleet Foxes album and stay tuned for an ellaborate review of Bon Iver's new ditty as soon as it drops.
love and miss you, kid. so glad i get to follow these little gems of updates :)