This is what happens when you stop blogging. You move. Break things. End chapters. Write new ones. Neat.
I think I am going to recreate this blog as my new pastime. Grumbles. I read too much and care more than that, so I get to be upset about a lot of big things and even more about little things. Slightly more public than my journal, but still under the radar as I have a whopping 5 readers. This will be the last blog dedicated solely to feelings about my own feelings. Sorry to disappoint. If you are still interested, Dashboard Confessional has some great albums for purchase on iTunes.
I am currently back in NWA, but while "back" is the appropriate word it doesn't quite fit what is going on. Luckily, thanks to maturation, I am in a totally different space here now and it's been a great learning experience. I will most likely not run for office here, but I am going to stick around for a bit to continue my Pinky and the Brain endeavors.
Work: At Pack Rat - new title - new opportunities - feeding my gear purchasing issues - 2013 is going to be badass
Consulting - from art to conservation, it's a good thing
There will be grumbles, but names and places may be changed to protect no one because this town is small.
Personal: Every day is getting better and everything that happens is from now. Challenging myself and playing hard.
General cool things:
Bedtimes have been moved to 8:30pm
I am obsessed Amino Acids... Check it.
I bought a french press coffee maker... My coffee addiction is at an all time high and I am loving every moment of it.
My 8tracks is cool...
Patagonia stopped selling my Saturday pants. RIP I am still looking for a replacement.
Stay tuned.